martes, 18 de septiembre de 2007

listening quiz

listening quiz

1 the main idea of the biography is to show mozarts:
C) both private life and musical talents .
2 mozart was composing by:
A) the age of five
3) from 1774 to 1777 mozart worked as Konzertmeister at:
A) the prince-archbishops court
4)from 1770 to 1773 mozart visited Italy:
B) three times
5) in 1777 mozart worked in:
c) Paris
6)in 1779 and 1780 mozart worked:
a)salzburg at the cathedral
7) mozart got in trouble with the prince-archbishop and either was fired or resigned in:
b) 1781
8) in 1787 mozart got a minor court appointment to write music for court balls, as:
B) kammermusicus
9) in 1786 mozart composed three comic operas with a famous librettist:
C) lorenzo da ponte
10) mozart died in :
B) vienna in 1791.

Laura Murillo Negrin

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